Reloop BeatMix 4 DJ Serato controller- Gearjunkies Review - Gearjunkies - Music tech news, Reviews, Videos, Synthesizers, Studio, Recording
The new generation of DJs uses controllers, especially the DJs playing at home. They don't buy an expensive CDJ set anymore but start out using a controller and a laptop or tablet. In the stores these controllers are the big sellers. Advantage of this is that there is an abundance of choice. Budget wise, style and possibilities you can make the choices you want. Especially for the people that start out you can start with a modest budget because playing can be an expensive hobby. So the majority of manufacturers will enable this like for example with the Beatmix4 of Reloop with recently a reduced price. Does the Reloop Beatmix4 give value for money or should you save money for something else? Our opinion about this controller with a limited price tag will follow.
Dave van Gorp