Eiosis releases E2Deesser 1.2 Native for Windows and OSX
The E2Deesser is now available in all native formats for both Windows and Mac OSX.
The E2Deesser is now available in all native formats for both Windows and Mac OSX.
The E2Deesser version 1.1 brings a variable lookahead delay, which allows getting very smooth responses and unprecedented processing transparency for a de-esser.
Eiosis releases the E2Deesser, the first in the series of Eiosis’ new E2Processors. The E2Deesser features Eiosis’ patented, exclusive processing structure and algorithm to bring you a new approach to de-essing. It allows the independent processing of sibilants inside vocal tracks in an extremely easy to use and efficient manner.
Eiosis is proud to announce the E Deesser, the first in the series of Eiosis new E Processors. It will be available in November, 2007.