Show your colors with Izotope RX contest

If you haven’t had the pleasure of looking at recorded audio through iZotope RX’s advanced multi-resolution spectrogram display, you might think you’re looking at UFOs, declassified sonar imaging, or laser beams. But all of the pictures above are audio—(upper left to lower right) an arpeggiated synth, a slowly echoing pad sound, a drum loop filter sweep, and a simple sine wave. iZotope RX can show you incredible detail in your music and audio, which is not just great for analyzing sound, it can also be fascinating to look at.

Want to get in on the fun? Enter your most intriguing screen shot in the RX Spectrogram Contest and you could win a stylish iZotope RX t-shirt, and recognition in our next newsletter! If you don’t own RX, never fear, RX’s trial version will let you visualize your audio files to your heart’s content—try it!


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