Ircam Tools a proper introduction – Video

The IRCAM Tools products express the result of over twenty years of fundamental research within the realms of music related digital signal processing. First out, we present a series of products evolved from two major fields of technology, Acoustic & Cognitive Spaces, and Sound Analysis & Synthesis.

FLUX: has posted three videos (lessons) going deeper into the matter. In this first lesson you will learn how to start using the built in Learn feature in the IRCAM Tools TRAX Transformer, to define and analyze a spoken voice preparing TRAX for Transformation!

In the second lesson you will learn how to Transform a Male spoken voice to a Female one, using the Voice Forger in IRCAM Tools TRAX Transformer. And in the third lesson you will learn how to adjust the Ambitus (range of scale) of a spoken voice using the Flat vs. Expressive parameter in IRCAM Tools TRAX Transformer.





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