The Logic Users Group (LUG) is the oldest (11+ years) and largest (20000+ members) Logic community in existence. In 1994 they were Emagics first presence on the Internet, though in 1999 Emagic became independent of the LUG. The LUG are by far the best resource for Logic users around, even people who do not use Logic as their primary sequencer frequent the LUG for the invaluable wisdom found there! The list is moderated by a team of five admins from around the world to produce the highest quality and informative forum possible.
In addition to the Logic Users Group, they also currently manage the EXS-Users, SoundDiver-Users, Logic-TDM and Logic-OT groups. The email lists are currently hosted by YahooGroups. The YahooGroups are fully integrated with the LUG web forums – messages posted in either place will show up in both places once approved by the moderators. The LUG highly recommends the web forums for improved speed, better searching, and easier reading, not to mention to avoid Yahoo’s advertisements. If you wish to subscribe by email please do so on the YahooGroups site though.
For all the details on the NEW Logic User Forums please check out the LUG forums.