Digidesign wants your help! They are currently looking for early adopters of the Intel Based Mac iMacs and Macbooks who would be interested in beta testing an upcoming version of Pro Tools LE and M-Powered that supports these new machines.
Potential testers would be required to:
1–test and use the software for at least 10 hours a week.
2–run various performance tests on their systems, per intruction.
3–integrate the software into their existing workflows and provide bug reports and feedback.
If you’re interested please contact Digidesign with the following information:
1–System specifications (i.e. Macbook pro 2.16GHz, 1 GB Ram, etc.)
2–Pro Tools Platform (i.e., 002 Rack, M-Audio Firewire 1814, etc.)
3–Brief description of type of work you do
4–Your experience with Pro Tools
For more information and contact details please visit the Digidesign User Conference.