For the first time SampleRobot 3 will be publicly presented at the NAMM Show in Anaheim. After a longer period of development, SampleRobot 3 is now ready for musicians and sound designers that are in need for a creative all-in-one sampling and sample playback solution.
With SampleRobot 3 you can create your own virtual musical instruments as well as sound and loop libraries very easily. SampleRobot 3 offers cutting-edge sampling technology. It includes Cakewalk’s Dimension LE software sampler, which is connected via a clever export bridge: SampleRobot’s exports automatically show up in the preset-browser of Dimension LE and can be played instantly as virtual instruments in any VST-host environment. Building high quality instruments was never easier. SampleRobot 3 also contains WaveRobot 3, the professional loop editing audioware.
New features of SampleRobot 3 in detail:
# VST + AU Software Sampler included: Cakewalk Dimension LE
Now you are able to play your created instruments right away in your favourite sequencer environment. The software sampler Cakewalk Dimension LE is included in the SampleRobot 3 installation package. Dimension LE offers a lot of interesting features to polish your sounds like high quality filters and effects. Up to 4 Multi-Samples can be combined in one Dimension LE program. Create your own instrumental library and compose with your individual samples and instruments!
# Clever Export Bridge
SampleRobot exports all samples (incl. mapping, release-samples and crossfades) directly to the preset list of Dimension LE. You have instant access to the sounds and can play them right away in your VST / AU host. Everything is managed fully automatically without manual browsing or importing samples.
# WaveRobot 3
Whenever you need to find smooth loop transitions in a sample, WaveRobot 3 will do the job for you. And it can do a lot more. High speed waveform graphics combined with sophisticated editing functions and loop searching algorithms are the key features to create high quality instruments fast. WaveRobot works on a Multi-Sample level and it can auto-loop lots of samples in one go.
# Graphical Loop Overlay in WaveRobot
Wouldn’t it be great to see how the regions around the loop points in a sample match each other when you move the loop markers? WaveRobot 3 can overlay the dedicated regions in all zoom settings. Create smooth loops with ease!
# Autogain Crossfades
Some samples are really hard to loop. Mostly it is because of phase problems in the crossfade area causing the sound to gain or to drop volume. SampleRobot 3 comes with newly developed Autogain crossfades that can compensate phase problems and optimize the level in the crossfade area.
# Graphical Adjustment of Sample Ranges
Now the range for each sample can be adjusted manually using the new Key-Sample Range Selectors. Mapping samples is now a lot more flexible.
# Project Wizard
If you have never sampled an instrument, do not worry! SampleRobot can do it for you. The Project Wizard guides you step by step to get professional samples.
# Project Auto Loader
From now on you can specify sampling projects that you would like to load automatically at program start.
# Autoload Sample into WaveRobot / NLR
Multi-Samples can get very complex. With the new Autoload function of SampleRobot 3 you will never lose the overview. Just by rolling the mouse pointer over SampleRobot’s Virtual Keyboard the dedicated samples will be loaded automatically into WaveRobot or into the Note/Loop/Release-Editor one after another. SampleRobot can show the samples so fast that you can really browse your samples by waveform. Of course, all zoom settings are stored for each sample individually.
# Semi-transparent Key-Info Window
Another feature that is extremely useful when you are creating complex Multi-Samples is the Key-Info overlay window. When you roll the mouse pointer over Key-Samples on SampleRobot’s Virtual Keyboard it will display all important information about this sample immediately, like in SampleRobot 3 newly available key name, sampling rate, bits per sample, channels, size, length, loop and release information.
# New Export Formats
The new export format Cakewalk Dimension (*.prog) was added to the export menu. The export bridge can be used with Cakewalk’s Dimension LE and also Dimension Pro software sampler. SampleRobot recognizes if Dimension LE or Pro is installed and offers the dedicated export options. Another new export format is: Wav (loop only). In this case all exported samples will only contain the loop. This option is ideal if you would like to work with your samples in loop-based sequencers like Ableton’s Live.
# Adjustable Micro-Fades
SampleRobot 3 has a new export option that can render micro-fades into all exported samples at Note-In and Note-Out as well as Release-In and Release-Out. This function helps to avoid clicks and pops and can make attack transients smoother.
Price and availability:
SampleRobot® 3: 419 USD (Download version, SKYLIFE Online Shop; packaged version is available via ESI Audio’s international distributors’ network), availability from february 2008.