Prosoniq today announce that they are introducing the 10th Anniversary AudioUnit Edition of their award winning OrangeVocoder plug in for the Mac at this years Musik Messe in Frankfurt.
First released in 1998 as a VST plug in the OrangeVocoder has quickly gained a reputation as being the single most flexible and transparent sounding vocoder ever to be available as a plug-in. Its unique sound can be heard in countless movie productions and in many popular songs and is easily recognized. The sound of Prosoniq’s OrangeVocoder was originally designed after a famous hardware device and has been approved by one of the most popular German vocoder manufacturers at the time. Even 10 years later it is still one of Prosoniq’s top selling products and is getting rave reviews all over the world.
The 10th Anniversary AudioUnit Edition takes the vocoder one step further by making it AudioUnit compatible and adding a wealth of features that the original product didn’t have. The new version is AudioUnit compatible on both the PPC and Intel Macs, doubles its internal voices, incorporates full MIDI control, supports all project sample rates and processes in true stereo. But it doesn’t end there: in addition to the features of the previous versions OrangeVocoder 10AE also offers various sound modes each with a distinct basic vocoder sound, voiced/unvoiced detection linked with a noise synthesizer, a filterbank freeze option and a HF passthru mode.
mmb8.jpgThe new 10th Anniversary AudioUnit Edition ships in April 2008 at a recommended retail price of 169 EUR, upgrades/crossgrades to 10AE from previous 2.x versions (including RTAS and VST versions) are available at 29 EUR.