Well the MusikMesse just started in Frankfurt and our team is walking the floors of the Messe in search of interesting news. One of the first quite interesting announcements was that Steinberg is introducing a controller together with Yamaha.
And here are the first details:
* Ultra-precision Advanced Integration controller knob with ‘point and control’ support: controls any visual Cubase 4 parameter, internal FX setting or VSTi parameter using mouse pointer selection
* Instant plug and play with ‘Cubase Ready’ LED – no additional setup or parameter assigning required
* One motorized 100mm touch-sensitive fader
* Dedicated control of Cubase channel settings including solo/mute, record arm, ‘e’ settings button, automation read/write, pan and VSTi editor
* Full Cubase EQ section in hardware with 12 dedicated rotary encoders, with mode selection and bypass switches
* User-assignable section with Cubase-integrated presets for Control Room studio sends and monitoring setup.
CC121 – Advanced Integration Controller
Engineered specifically for the thousands of production environments using Cubase worldwide, CC121 interfaces the creativity of musicians and producers with the functional complexity of the world’s most popular music production system. Built to an extremely high manufacturing and component standard, CC121 provides totally integrated tactile control of all parameters within Cubase, with a unique design architecture that keeps you 100% focused on your Cubase project.
First pictures from the Messe floors: