Join the Hercules DJ team! Introduce Hercules DJ gear to your world and your musical projects! Hercules will endorse the best selected performers.
Hercules is proud to announce a DJ Sponsorship Initiative in which both future DJs and established DJs can secure support from Hercules.
* One or more DJ Console Rmx for free and/or other Hercules DJing products for DJs that work in pairs or have a small company with a few DJs
* Hercules branded hats, t-shirts, posters and stickers for DJ gear
* Appearance/inclusion in the “Hercules DJ team” section of the Hercules DJ Mix room website
* VIP Member page with DJ profile on the Hercules DJ Mix Room
* Financial support and assistance in planning from Hercules at events/gigs where the DJ uses Hercules DJ Console Rmx and/or other Hercules DJing products such as the DJ Console MK2
* Performance videos of the DJ using Hercules product will be visible on the Hercules DJ Mix room website
* The DJ endorsement will be mentioned in Hercules DJing ads and possibly on stickers placed on the outside of product boxes