Native Instruments today released Deep Reconstructions, a collection of cutting-edge multi-effects based on the powerful sound processing features of the KORE platform.
Complementing the acclaimed Deep Reconstructions library, the second multi-FX collection in the KORE SOUNDPACK arsenal provides sophisticated time-based effects configurations that can drastically alter and rearrange beats, melody lines, vocals and any other audio material.
Deep Reconstructions offers 150 complex effect patches with 1,200 Sound Variations, which draw on both the high-quality KORE effect algorithms and on the integrated engines of REAKTOR, ABSYNTH and GUITAR RIG for their signal processing power.
Through intricate combinations of delay, reverb, modulation, pitch shifting, resampling, filtering and dynamics processing, signals can be sliced, frozen and sequenced with spectacular and unconventional results.
Despite the complexity of the underlying effect configurations, the operation of Deep Reconstructions remains entirely straightforward thanks to the KORE user interface.
The unified parameter mapping within KORE 2 and KORE PLAYER gives immediate, intuitive control over the sonic characteristics of the effects, making them ideal for live performance and for creative sound manipulation in the studio.
Deep Reconstructions is available for download purchase in the NI Online Shop for $79 / 69 EUR.
Additional information on Deep Reconstructions including audio demos is available at