VIR2 Instruments have announced that the most versatile horn section in the world, MOJO: Horn Section is shipping. At the heart of MOJO are twelve core instruments: Trumpet, Trombone, Trumpet Muted, Trombone Muted, Piccolo Trumpet, Bass Trombone, Soprano Sax, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Clarinet, and Flugelhorn.
Using MOJO is as simple as deciding which instrument to load. Solo and ensemble playing is built into each individual core patch, as are all articulations and release types. MOJO makes it as easy and straightforward as possible to begin playing without having to make too many decisions or sifting through dozens of patches.
Included in the instrument collection are as mentioned: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, trumpet (open, muted, and piccolo), flugelhorn, trombone (open and muted), bass trombone, and clarinet. The articulation list varies for each instrument, but generally includes sustains, stabs, staccatos, trills, slurs, shakes, octave runs, rise to hits, falls (including four different lengths), doits, bends, stylistic riffs, special effects, and tempo-synced swells and crescendos. All samples are recorded in 24-bit stereo using the finest preamps in the world, including a vintage Neve 1073 and a LaChapell Audio 992EG, and mics by AKG, Neumann, and Coles.
MOJO is powered by the popular Kontakt engine, offering total integration into all major sequencers via its AudioUnit, VST, and RTAS plug-ins, as well as standalone operation.