Entangled Species is AAS’ second sound bank title for String Studio VS-1, and grants exclusive access to the beloved tools, inspirational encounters, and living sounds of composer David Kristian. The 128 presets covering arpeggiators, pads, loopers, synthesizers, keyboards, noises, and sound effects shall evolve as a natural extension of the sonic inventory of anyone into electro-acoustic, ambient, and film music arrangements. And with String Studio VS-1 behind the scene, users can easily transform them with just a few tweaks.
“Over the past few years String Studio VS-1 has become a true go-to synth for all manner of unheard-of, yet seemingly organic sounds,” said composer and sound designer David Kristian, “From film scores to game sound design, String Studio VS-1 is one of the few software instruments that tests the limits of what can actually achieved with physical modelling.”
Visit the Endangered Species product detail page at: http://www.applied-acoustics.com/stringstudio/expansion/)
The Entangled Species sound bank for String Studio VS-1 is available now at $39. String Studio VS-1 is available now at a retail price of $229. String Studio VS-1 runs on both Mac OS X and Windows as a standalone application as well as in host sequencers supporting the VST, Audio Units, and RTAS plug-in formats.