Urs Heckmann releases ACE V1.0

Urs Heckmann (U-He) is happy to let you know that he has released ACE (Any Cable Everywhere) in version 1.0. ACE is a small, low cost synthesizer plugin with easy but powerful modular features. ACE is *very* hungry on CPU but has a rewarding sound quality that has rarely been achieved in software before. ACE is furtherly ideally suited as an entry level synthesizer for modular synthesis as it’s pre-wired in a familiar standard 2LFO-2VCO-2VCF-2ENV-2VCA fashion.


  • 2 x LFO (1 sine, 1 sine/tri/saw/sqr) 0Hz – 20kHz
  • 2 x ADSR (same as Bazille)
  • 2 x VCO (saw/pwm) 0Hz – 20kHz, VCO1 with SubOsc
  • 2 x VCF (two variable outlets each: LP1/LP2/LP3/LP4, HP/BP/BR)
  • 2 x VCA/Pan
  • 2 x Multiples (as in Bazille)
  • 1 x Mixer (Osc balance, Sub, Noise, Aux)
  • 1 x Ramp Generator (up->hold->down->rest, loops if rest < 100)
  • 1 x Mapping Generator (creates variable values for each note or key, can be used as custom waveform for LFO2)
  • 1 x noise (white, pink)
  • 1 x the common extras, such as Glide/Glide2
  • 1 x stereo chorus (global)
  • 1 x ping pong delay (global)
  • 1 x Bass/Treble booster (global)

25 signal sources, 30+ signal targets, some paths wired internally so that it makes noise even without a single cable attached (think ARP 2600).

100% free of Supersaw. Instead it has:

  • exceptional sync /w FM (VCO1->VCO2, think Crossmodulation)
  • LFOs that can be used as additional VCOs an vice versa
  • exceptional filter sound including convincing self oscillation

Pricing is set at Euro 69 ((includes 19% VAT, ca. 85 USD net when bought from overseas).





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