How about trying Cubase 5, Steinberg’s DAW flagship, before buying it? Steinberg has heard your requests and are happy to announce the immediate availability of Cubase 5 Trial version.
This is a full-fledged Cubase 5, running on a 30-day time-limited license. It contains all features, plug-ins, instruments, sounds and loops of the Cubase 5 retail version, so it is “the real deal” without any limitations in power or performance! And since features such as LoopMash and VariAudio are far more impressive and fun when you can experience them first hand, just go ahead and give it a try today!
Cubase 5 Trial is available for download from the Steinberg website and on DVD at your local dealer.
Just like the retail product, Cubase 5 Trial is copy-protected by Steinberg’s USB eLicenser (the dongle). So, since you have registered a USB-eLicenser in our MySteinberg customer portal, you can use Cubase 5 Trial right away! You just need an activation code to use the trial license. It is available from MySteinberg — just a few clicks away.