With the LinPlug Organ 3 you have all the classic sounds as well as a lot of yet unheard organ sounds right at your fingertips. Switchable Foldback, Tonewheel-Sync, realistic drawbar volume relation, the behaviour of the percussion switch, motor noise and keyclick are just a few of the aspects of the “original” sound. In the LinPlug Organ 3 you have control over all of them. Linplug just updated Organ 3 for PC to version 3.1.2.
– support for asian languages in filenames
– fixed crashes in Reaper x64 / Sonar 8.5 x64
– fixed MIDI Controller feedback not working in 64 bit version
This is a PC only update, for Mac there is no update required! Also, you can buy the Organ 3 Synthesizer at a much discounted price during the next days. Organ 3 is much more than just an Organ emulation, its a Synthesizer with a immense diversity of sounds. Check out the demo.