After several successful events in the USA and Portugal earlier this year, the Ableton & Novation Live Beats series is to tour Europe this September, with 14 events across eight countries. The Live Beats events are designed so that attendees of all skill levels can discover more about using Ableton Live and Novation hardware. Demonstrator Thavius Beck will mainly focus on the hands-on music-making potential of Live & Launchpad, but will also be showing off other Novation hardware and demonstrating how Automap can be used to take your Ableton Live sessions to the next level.
At each event, Thavius and local Ableton and Novation demonstrators will be on hand to answer questions and offer tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your software and hardware. What’s more, there will be a chance to win a Novation Launchpad and Ableton Live 8 at each Live Beats event!
Dates & times for Live Beats events:
Tuesday 7th September, Production Room, Leeds, UK, 18:30
Thursday 9th September, Digital Village Clapham, London, UK, 18:30
Saturday 11th September, Teach Music, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 19:00
Monday 13th September, Just Studio Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany, 18:30
Tuesday 14th September, Just Music, Hamburg, Germany, 19:15
Wednesday 15th September, Hard Rock Cafe, Cologne, Germany, 19:00
Saturday 18th September, Just Music, Munich, Germany, 16:00
Monday 20th September, microFusa, Madrid, Spain, 19:00
Tuesday 21st September, microFusa, Barcelona, Spain, 19:00
Thursday 23rd September, SAE Institute, Milan, Italy, 18:00
Friday 24th September, Percorsi Audio, Acquapendente (VT), Italy, 18:00
Monday 27th September, Rytmus Aula, Stockholm, Sweden, 18:30
Wednesday 29th September, ProLyd AS, Oslo, Norway, Time TBC
All the events are free, but attendees are required to sign up in advance. For further information and to register, visit here.