Show your sound design skills to Image-Line – Contest

Image-Line is inviting you to their Sound Design Contest. Papam Studios have created a shiny new Image-Line animated logo for use in our videos. They think it needs some audio. If you are a FL Studio user, this is your chance to shine. Make some ‘noise’ to the video and win some cash! Below is the animated video logo.

1. Download the video and project file from the Sound Design Competition thread in Looptalk.
2. Make some noise using only FL Studio & Image-Line plugins, in sync (optional), with the video as it plays. The audio should be no longer than the video itself ~ 5 seconds.
3. Upload your entry, FL Studio project, to the Sound Design Competition thread AND an mp3 example of the sound for preview in the thread.

1st prize – $300 USD virtual cash
2nd prize – $200 USD virtual cash
3rd prize – $100 USD virtual cash

The audio from all 3 winners may appear on Image-Line logo tagged videos. For the complete rules and conditions please visit the Image-Line website.


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