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For a small number of experts, it was not even a novelty that Mario Maggi, between a project and the other for the most diverse branches of industry, was putting their hands at a general revamping of its prestigious polyphonic analog to propose then to vast number of electronic musicians.
In practice, this is not a clone but a totally new design utilizing advanced and powerful technologies, while maintaining the character and peculiarities of the original version.
Many things could be told, and many can not recount – as we are bound by a non-disclosure agreement that binds us for quite some time. Whatever the reason, aided by the recent (and unexpected) exploit Finnish, today Mario has decided to disclose a first set of features of the new project, which could have lead times and marketing much shorter than you might think.
The new Synthex 2 is a polyphonic instrument to eight voices, which is intended to be marketed in both tabletop format (only the control panel) with the keyboard 5 octaves; at this stage, the question “is analog ‘”, Mario Maggi says that for the project are used in technology solutions HIDEA (HI gh DE finition rchitecture A),with the basic objective to get the highest quality sound along with a very high definition, precision and repeatability of the control parameters.
We could hear the operation of the oscillators and filters: the result is – to say the least – exciting! In oscillators, you can handle all that comes to mind with absolute control; pitch and detune (and offset in Hertz), waveforms, modulation and intermodulation with very extensive tonal possibilities offered by functional strategies put in place over the harmonic content and frequency – imagine having, at its available, a “super OTO Biscuit” ready to make even complex waveform of each oscillator, multiplied by 100 what could be done with the two RingMod old Synthex and you’ll still far from reality.
The filter, thanks to a new control parameter, can reach and exceed behavior more classics give his side their traditional limitations. Better yet, it may sound new and different and personal. The relationship between the input signal, behavior and quality of resonance, transfer function selected, “flavor” end, leave you breathless.
Synthex 2: key features
Polyphony and hardware configuration
- Polyphony 8 basic items; if necessary, you can double the polyphony bringing to 16 entries. There are two alternatives: 8:16 voices, which obviously will be proposed to a different cost but with the ability to easily upgrade to 16 entries in the version to 8.
- There are four different versions: a keyboard configuration with five octaves; a tabletop version without keyboard, but with the same panel; a version expander in container rack 1U without control panel is controlled through PC editor; a version without desktop expander in box commands panel is controlled through PC editor.
- The dimensions are significantly more compact.
- The weight is much smaller.
- There is no longer the noisy fan.
Keyboard and joystick
- Keyboard FATAR TP-8 weighing sensitive Key Velocity and Aftertouch.
- In the new version is installed a joystick professional, particularly robust and equipped with metal shaft 5 mm.
LCD Display
- The LCD display is in color, 3.5 “, to allow for a full display of the parameters is not physically resident on the panel; through LCD display, you can program the timbres and data Sequencer board.
- Architecture tone identical to the Synthex historical behavior with Single, Dual / Split with tonal independent parts Upper and Lower; according to polyphony installed, each party can manage four or eight independent voices tonally. With version 8 voices in Split mode or Double, each party has 4 voices with version 16 voices in Split mode or Double, each party has 8 voices
- As in the old version, there are 2 oscillators per voice; but, this time, each oscillator has 4 new operational functions, with 2 new controls and a rich implementation of selectors panel.
- The selectable waveforms are many more of the four classical analog waves.
- Circling with double Ring Modulator has been enhanced significantly, with many new features.
Filter and Waveshaper
- Filter multi mode, with a new parameter of the panel, independent of Cutoff and Resonance, which can be varied in a huge way the operation of the filter itself.
- The filter can work with a high amount of ways of filtering (several tens).
- Waveshaper Pre-Filter with numerous curves shaping selectable.
- Waveshaper Post-Filter with numerous curves shaping selectable.
- The two circuits Waveshaper are used simultaneously, with independent selection of the curve.
- The historic chorus of the old version has been upgraded with a new set of operating parameters finally editable by the user, for example for speed and the amount of modulation of the different delay lines.
Envelope generators
- The structure has eight independent envelope generators for each voice polyphony – in the car for 8 voices, so there are 64 envelope generators individually programmable; in the old Synthex, there were only 2 envelopes for voice.
- With envelopes, you can modulate / shape the amount of output of the LFO board.
- Each envelope has eight segments, which can be freely distributed between subordination to the Note On (persistence Gate) and Note Off (phase Release).
- The time of each segment envelope can be assigned in real time as a function of Key Velocity and the Key Number; you can then diversify the operation of the envelope in terms of how you play and where you play.
- As in the old version, this is the form Glide / Bend single segment, which is essential to create, along with the Hard Sync, the preset that gave voice to the Laser Harp. In addition, the new version can be used an envelope generator to control much more complex evolution of timbre.
A low frequency oscillator
- In the old version, were only three (one Upper, Lower and one in one form Joystick), the last was only possible to adjust the entry progressive modulation through segment Initial delay, unique for all entries.
- In Synthex 2, version 16 offers 128 voices LFO, ie 8 and voc.
- Each LFO is, in reality, a wide range LFO with extreme frequency extension: from one cycle per hour to more than 10 kHz.
- Envelope of the LFO: the old version, it was only possible to adjust the entry progressive modulation through segment Initial delay, unique for all entries in part. In Synthex 2, you can control the amount of output for each LFO through any generator inviuppo.
- The architecture of the LFO is similar to that of the audio oscillators, to obtain a perfect alignment of frequency when they are used as modulators in the audio band.
- The waveforms are generated by wavetable high definition; consequently, the number of selectable waveforms for each LFO is practically unlimited. In addition to those supplied, the user can create new ones using a PC application supplied.
- Has always been one of the strengths of the implementation ancient, the new Sequencer board works with four tracks (which are now polyphonic), can record in real time or step by step and allows the definition of life independently for each scheduled event.
- The Sequencer uses a dedicated memory, non-volatile, 100 sequences.
- The sequencer can be synchronized via MIDI or Sync external jack on the rear panel.
- Double arpeggiator (one for the Lower part, one for the Upper part), usable in combination with the Sequencer.
- Independent stereo outputs for the Lower and Upper parts.
Control Input
- Two control inputs CV addressable.
Rear panel
- Push On / Off switch to switch on the instrument.
- 18V DC IN connector of 5.5. x 2.1 for external power supply.
- USB Type B, for connecting to the PC.
- MIDI In and MIDI Out.
- DUSB-B Expansion, expansion connector for external signal HP / Trigger / Gate.
- Sync In, for synchronization from the outside of the Sequencer board.
- Out Sync, to synchronize external equipment to Sequencer board.
- In CV1, input control voltage assignable.
- In CV2, input control voltage assignable.
- Expression Pedal 1, input voltage control assignable.
- Expression Pedal 2, the input voltage control assignable.
- Audio Out Upper Left and Upper Right, pair of connectors ¼ “for the Upper part.
- Audio Out Lower Left and Lower Right, pair of connectors ¼ “for the Lower part.