today teenage engineering and cheap monday are very happy to announce the follow-up to last years success story – the pocket operator PO 20-series.
- PO-20 arcade – arcade synthesizer
- PO-24 office – noise percussion
- PO-28 robot – live synthesizer
three new units, compatible with all our other products. same low price, same platform and format, but with a totally new character and style. to achieve this we reached out to software engineer linus åkesson, a guy we’ve been watching for a couple of years. linus is a true expert in the po 20-series style of music, and we’re super proud to have him onboard.
PO-20 arcade
arcade synthesizer and sequencer, with parameter locks, chord control and punch-in effects.
- rapid beat making and chiptune improvisation
- synthesized arcade sounds
- 128 chord chaining
- 128 pattern chaining
- 16 sounds
- 16 punch-in effects
- step multiplier
PO-24 office
noise percussion drum machine and sequencer, with parameter locks, solo functionality and punch-in effects.
- sampled vintage hardware and real synthesizer engines
- solo control
- 128 pattern chaining
- 16 sounds
- 16 punch-in effects
- step multiplier
PO-28 robot
live synthesizer and sequencer, with parameter locks, glide control and punch-in effects.
- real 8-bit synthesizer engines for making live and sequenced melodies and leads
- 15 sounds + micro drum
- live play + sequencer combo
- 128 pattern chaining
- step multiplier