Steinberg Trainee Project Presents Smart Click Metronome

Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH today announced the release of Smart Click, the iOS metronome app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, which is freely available through the App Store. The development of Smart Click is a project pertaining to the Steinberg trainee program to help young professionals explore the aspects of their career and gain a deeper understanding of company structures and processes.

Developed for iOS handhelds, Smart Click is quick and easy to use. It provides different means to adjust the tempo, with different time signatures and four types of click emphasis, including the Cubase click sound. Smart Click results from a project included in the Steinberg trainee program. This assignment requires trainees to develop and market a product independently while learning to set objectives as well as remaining focused on achieving them.

With its trainee program Steinberg aims to prepare young people for future employment, providing insights to a variety of different roles and letting them gain valuable skills indispensable to integrate into a working environment. Spearheading this initiative is Steinberg’s Director of Operations, Thorsten Steen, who commented: “We want to continue to help shape young people’s professional future, which can also be regarded as an investment in growing talent within the company. Especially this project shows that a gradual increase in levels of responsibility and complexity is more effective in developing the trainees’ competences and self-efficacy.”

Visit for details on the Smart Click iOS app.

Refer to for more information on the trainee program at Steinberg

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