Bitwig Studio 3 is out now

Released in 2014, Bitwig Studio 1 was the first music production software to combine linear and non-linear sequencing on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It paired cutting-edge technologies— like plug-in crash protection, nested devices chains, and a highly flexible user interface—with a lightning-fast workflow for keyboard, mouse, and touchscreen.
Bitwig Studio 2 arrived in February 2017 featuring modulators, which could be added to any device or plug-in. Along the way, version 2 added additional audio-stretching algorithms for various situations, an advanced phase-modulation synthesizer (Phase-4), our Sampler reborn with wavetable and granular options, and native integration with modular hardware via control voltage (CV) and gate signals.

Today, we are releasing Bitwig Studio 3, which opens a new window for working with sound: The Grid.

The Grid
As was hinted at from the start, Bitwig Studio was always intended to provide a fully-modular sound design option, and this has become a reality with The Grid.
The Grid is a modular sound-design environment. With a library of 154 modules, an assortment of editing gestures, and interactive assistance always on hand, modular patching is now easier for the professional and completely accessible to the newcomer.

What Else Is New in Bitwig Studio 3?
Redesigned Instrument Inspector, for all Bitwig devices that support polyphony. A consistent way of accessing our three voice modes (polyphony and two flavors of mono), voice stacking, and more.

  • Automatic Project Backups, keeping a copy of the most recent project file nearby whenever you hit save. If data corruption ever strikes, this just might save the project.
  • Realtime Ruler, showing timelines in minutes, seconds, etc., on any time-based display. Sometimes seeing the duration is easier.
  • VU Meters in Routing Choosers, because seeing the right signal is easier than remembering port names.
  • Ableton LINK version 3, supporting start/stop synchronization. This is optional, in case the session would benefit from it.
  • Reworked Audio Backends, sporting timing improvements for ASIO & WASAPI (PC), CoreAudio (Mac), ALSA & PulseAudio (Linux), and Jack (everybody).
  • Global GUI Contrast Settings, for fine-tuning the interface on monitors of any resolution and vintage.
  • General UI Overhaul, including some redesigned dynamics devices, a better pop-up style when editing parameters, and cleaner readability across the board.
  • Updated User Guide in English, available to download in the Help Tab of Bitwig Studio.

Bitwig Studio 3 is available from selected retailers worldwide.

. A free demo version is ready for download on
Bitwig Studio 3 comes as a free update for all customers with a Bitwig Studio license and a valid upgrade plan.

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