Scarbee updates Blue Bass library

Earlier this month SCARBEE released Blue Bass, a sample library made for N.I. Kontakt 2 and Kontakt 3. Scarbee Blue Bass has been built to take advantage of the advanced scripting technology originally developed for the Black Bass. The sound is a classic and much time has been used on selecting right stings, string wearness and finger playing position to get the right sound.

Now Scarbee releases an update for Blue Bass. Update 1 is released and ready to download for registered users. It includes all long slide tails of E,A,D,G string and each slide has been carefully recorded and adjusted so they sound absolutely wonderful. It is now possible to slide longer than one octave back and forth – you can simply slide from start to end of string if you like – in any tempo!

Scarbee also added release sounds after end of slides – which is a long time wish from Sarbee! Go and get update at support section.





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