Exclusive Benelux demo tour with Reason guru James Bernard

Propellerhead Reason guru James Bernard (USA) demonstrate all the new features of Reason 3 plus a lot of other interesting possibilities and solutions around Reason. Ever thought about using Reason as your main software workstation or as mastering suite? Of course James will show also new Reason 3 features like The Combinator, M-Class Mastering Suite, Line-Mix 6:2, Remote Control and the new Reason browser etc. etc. On top of that you can hear the outstanding sonic-quality of Reason3.

Free entrance and you get a free 10,- euro value MI7 Library Coupon for all visitors. For more information please contact MI7 Benelux: www.mi7.com.

Tour dates:


-June 15 – 19.30PM – Caerts music, Leuven

-June 16 – 19.30PM – Muziekcentrum TRIX, Antwerpen

the Netherlands:

-June 17 – 19.30PM – MIDI amsterdam, Amsterdam

-June 18 – 15.00PM – Feedback, Rotterdam

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