After Saxophone (vol. 1) and Electric Bass (vol. 2), Ueberschall announced vol. 3 of their Liquid Instruments Series, Liquid Guitar.
Liquid Guitar unites the collected power of the guitar universe. Vol. 3 contains a broad stylistic spectrum of guitar licks. Recorded from acoustic (nylon/steel) and electric guitars. From Funk, R’n’B, Pop, Rock, Rock’n’Roll, Blues, Fusion, Jazz, Western, Beat all the way to Sound FX. Rhythmically and soloistically played licks and phrases recorded as: Clean-direct input and Real Amp Recording with crunch, distortion including feedback, tremolo and wahwah sounds.
– Fender Stratocaster (with EMG pickups)
– Rockinger Strat (with EMG pickups)
– Gibson ES335 Stereo
– Steinberger (incl. TransTrem with EMG pickups)
– Epiphone Imperial Regent
– Yamaha APX7 Acoustic Guitar
– Fender Twin
– Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier
– VOX AC30
– Rivera Bonehead
– Marshall JMP1 preamp
Developed in close cooperation with Celemony, the Liquid Instruments Series (L.I.S.) offers you a whole new array of features to control and redo sampled material. Parameters such as single note pitches, formants, note lengths, scales, tempo, start and endings can now be edited easily and directly to suit your arrangement – with unchanged high-quality sound even after intense processing. In this combination of first-class samples with the unique Melodyne functions you can create countless variations – from simple licks and phrases to complete solo lines.