Wave Editor is THE audio editor for Mac OS X. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Wave Editor proudly takes advantage of CoreAudio, Quartz, and other solid OS X features. Audiofile Engineering has updated Wave Editor to version 1.1.1.
* Added new “Location Tips”.
* Added column selection in Edit List options panel.
* New keyboard shortcuts:
o Navigation>Scroll Page Left (defaults to “page up”).
o Navigation>Scroll Page Right (default to “page down”).
* Fade objects (& automation) shift with layer.
* Fixed key navigation in Open/Save panels.
* Fixed an issue with “Save Selection As…” adding an underscore to the end of the file name.
* Fixed a rare issue with multiprocessor machines.
* Fixed an issue flattening secondary layers with fades.
* Fixed an issue opening templates too big for the screen.
* Fixed a glitch saving the locked state of edits.
* Fixed a few small interface glitches.
Details and DEMO available at the AudioFile Engineering website.