discoDSP Discovery updated to v2.5.

discoDSP has updated its Virtual Analog VSTi Synthesizer Discovery to version 2.5.

Discovery is a 8 oscillators Virtual Analog VSTi Synthesizer featuring 4 layers, built-in arpeggiator, sync, FM, 8 filter types, panning modulation, stereo delay and gate effects. Imports Nord Lead 2 SysEx data.

* 2x oversampling and 2x undersampling (clicking voice leds).
2x undersampling will make Discovery work at half the current bit rate, which is useful when working with 96/192k projects in order to save plenty of CPU.
* Bank drop down menu browser (clicking bank name).

* Randomized gate refreshes properly.

Previously registered customers, including bundles, will receive an e-mail with download details on December 2.

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