Digidesign is pleased to announce the D-Show 2.5 software upgrade for the VENUE live sound environment. D-Show 2.5 is the first release that offers support for both the D-Show and D-Show Profile mixing consoles. Developed in response to user requests, D-Show 2.5 provides more flexibility to Matrix and PQ outputs and adds input libraries, a new Events List, and many other features to enhance the user experience with any Venue console.
New Features in D-Show 2.5:
– Support for the D-Show Profile mixing surface
With the addition of the new D-Show Profile console to the VENUE family, D-Show 2.5 provides complete support for the entire VENUE product line. D-Show users who adopt the new console will be immediately familiar with the software and workflows.
– Full portability of user setting and show files between VENUE consoles
D-Show 2.5 offers guaranteed show file compatibility between D-Show and D-Show Profile mixing consoles. And users won’t encounter any data loss when moving files between the two systems—if functions are unavailable, the software will preserve and restore settings.
– Expanded Matrix and Personal Q (PQ) Routing
Mono or PQ matrices can now accept input from 12 sources, which can include any combination of groups, auxiliaries, LRM masters, and any of eight user-assigned inputs. All matrices can have their own input sources and all can be changed on a per-scene basis with snapshot automation.
– New Event List functionality
The new Event List allows complete customization of function buttons, footswitches, and D-Show Profile’s General Purpose Interface (GPI), enabling users to speed up their workflow. Engineers can now create “macros” that allow the console to perform single or multiple functions with a single button push or switch closure from an external device.
– Input Channel Presets
This additional input library enables complete channel settings storage on a per-channel basis, which allows faster set-up of similar channels and easy access to input-only settings to all show files. As with other preset libraries, input libraries can be transferred independently to a USB key.