The latest development cycle adds numerous features covering all existent and new domains. This release elevates Phrazor to an all purpose audio workstation with an outstanding workflow and live expressiveness.
New features since preview version 6:
Starter Kit:
* 47 tutorials covering all important features
* Help pages in about panel
* Factory containing 170+ clips and prepared tracks
* 3 GTG Synths
* Complete Kjaerhus Classic Series bundled
* 76 ready to use drummaps
* Updated PDF manual (80 pages)
* Save command for projects, tracks, slots, programs and clips
* Lock mechanism for programs and states
* Info for projects, tracks, slots, programs and clips
* Browser menus for grooves and drummaps
* Drag tracks to clips (extracts clips from tracks)
* Smart tab selection in browser/manager
* Save message box when closing Phrazor standalone
* Set tempo dialog (doubleclick on BPM)
* Automap functions for clips and states
* Filetype “Clipmap” stores complete remote-assignment-sets
* Drag MIDI clips from Phrazor to host or any other application
* Multiple files can be dragged to Phrazor (e.g. importing multiple MIDI files at once)
* Save all clips to folder function
* MIDI Export of single or all clips
* Main panel layout reworked
* Titlebar shows project filename
* Filenames of selected objects displayed in browser/manager
* Values displays for all sliders
* Alternative time display (hh:mm:ss)
* Visualization of loading programs
* Visualization of the plugin scan process
* Mono GUI
* Icon for standalone version
MIDI Engine:
* Mute/solo for pure MIDI tracks
* Output delay for calibrating audio/midi drift
* MIDI Sync. Master (sends Clock, Start, Stop, Continue, SPP)
* MIDI Transport Slave (receives Start, Stop, Continue, SPP)
* Optional only-tempo host synchronization
* Dragging tracks automatically updates MIDI source tracks
* Track playmode “Automatic”
* MIDI Control surface
* Thru option for remote-clips
* Visualization of pending states
Audio Engine:
* Pre/Post fader sends
* Thru/Mute send option
* Visualization of track groups (linked by sends)
* Dragging tracks automatically updates send-source and multi-output targets
* Reset all mute/solo function
* Intelligent “Auto-Connect” in mixer panel
* Fade inertia on tracks for smooth mixing
* ASIO driver improvements (standalone)
* Built-in multi-filter component
MIDI Editing:
* Visualization of selected ghost notes
* Buttons for important functions (selection, clipboard, quantize etc.)
* Visualization of active notes in keyboard
* Auto-scroll option follows cursor
* Drummap selection in clipeditor
* Automap functions
* More edit functions like trim and auto-length
* Merge into clip at cursor
* Virtual project workspace allows one-click project loading
* Projects can be loaded via MIDI song select or program change
* Integration in project notes panel
VST Improvements:
* Better compatibility (no non-working plugin known)
* Load VST directly via dialog
* Randomize function in parameter panel
* Close all editors function
* MIDI learn for plugin parameters
* Optional “Prog. Change Thru”
* Take button for faster library building
* Drag VST dll’s to Phrazor
Render to WAV:
* Complete project and loop rendering
* Render to track with autonaming
* Loops are perfectly trimmed
* Rendering up to 384 KHz in 5 different formats
* Find and classify files by simple keyword selection
* Freely assignable key columns and words
* Check-in utility to take up files from other users/pc’s
* Provides filetypes projects, tracks, slots, programs and clips
* Auto-scroll option follows cursor
* Buttons for important functions (selection, clipboard, quantize etc.)
* View selection for playpart parameters (velocity and transpose)
* Auto selection in playlist
* Default cliplength, channel and snap settings
* Auto-lock for programs and states
* Better keyboard support
* Reworked installer, separated vst-dll’s and Phrazor folder
* Works on Muse Receptor and mobile devices (e.g. usb-sticks)