Linplug Give-Away RM IV Drum Addiction

As you maybe already know Groove Monkee is an excellent source for getting more MIDI grooves for your RM IV. This month Linplug can give away 3 of the Groove Monkee libraries to you. All you need to do is to send an email before 25th June 2007.

Linplug will draw the 3 winners from all entries and all subscribers to their newsletter (who subscribed between 25th May 2007 and 25th June 2007) and announce them in the July Newsletter. The winners can each pick one library from Groove Monkee (not the multi-items packs, a single library per winner). A library is around 600 up to more than 1000 MIDI grooves for a particular style, look at to find our more.

To enter the give-away contest just send an email to Linplug.

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