Wusik releases Wusikstation 4.1.4. and new Sample Editor

Wusik has released a update for Wusikstation plus a new Sample Editor which can load and work with WAV and WusikSND files.

Wusikstation improvements:
* Added: new external VSTi Sample Editor. (soon with Recorder)
* Added: new Trance Gate Effect.
* Fixed: bad draws when loading a large sequencer skin-page.
* Fixed: several minor internal code problems.

Sample Editor
The New Sample Editor is a VSTi that you can load and work with WAV and WusikSND files. It lets you create/delete/edit keyboard and velocity zones. Import/Drag-and-Drop WAV and WusikSND files to the project. Edit the Loop-Points with the Waveform display. Export/Import WusikSND files. And Save/Load projects. It features a simple Midi-Preview of the project. If you save it with your song, it will also save the project along.

The Wusik Sample Editor comes Free with any Wusikstation V4 Upgrade.


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