Angry Red Planet has released version 1.1. of Temper. Temper is a MIDI and Audio sequencer with an emphasis on MIDI. Temper is distinguished by two basic design goals: To provide you with tools that operate on sequences as easily as individual events, and to decouple what gets processed by how it gets processed.
Known issues:
Absynth can hang while loading. The problem varies with systems: Some won’t experience it, some will only experience it when loading a new song, and some might experience it when putting down a new track with Absynth. It seems to matter which order synths are loaded, for example, the problem can be common when creating a new Absynth track after creating Massive and opening its editing window; in this case the hang can be avoided by creating the Absynth track first. We apologize to all Absynth users and hope to resolve this soon.
* Temper A: Added performance time.
* Temper A: Added VST patch randomizer.
* Added groove quantizing tools.
* Can now append .MID files by dragging them to the tracks area.
* There are several new audition operations when editing tracks: You can click on the keyboard graphic to audition notes, or in the measure area above the piano roll to audition the visible performance.
* Added new menu item Hidden in the controller strip tabs, which displays a list of all controllers that have data in the track, but no tab button.
* Added shape polarity display, which can be clicked to flip the polarity.
* Added shape smoothing control, to control whether the morph interpolates or goes in steps.
* Added a control to step through the current tool chain when in workbench mode.
* Fix: Muting a track’s audio output wasn’t keeping things in sync, so there was no visual indication of the mute and you couldn’t unmute it until doing something like muting the main buss output.
* Fix: Pitch strip was preventing values below 0.
* Fix: Controller strip was labeling all values 0-127, instead of using type-specific labels (like 0-1 for VST parameters).