Intel Mac support for Spectrasonics Atmosphere and Trilogy

Spectrasonics has developed a special, easy-to-use support solution that allows Atmosphere and Trilogy users to use their original instruments on Intel Mac computers. The free Public Beta version is now available for download in the Support Knowledge Base.

This “wrapper” solution allows the existing Atmosphere and Trilogy virtual instruments to be easily used on Intel-Mac computers. It has been tested with a variety of hosts, computers, versions of OSX, buffer settings, etc. Included in the download are performance charts for each of the major hosts and guidelines for users to get the most out of their specific computer setup.

There are two key components that are installed and work together to provide this solution:
• An Intel Wrapper communication plug-in for Atmosphere or Trilogy (AU/VST/RTAS)
• A specially designed Host application for the original Atmosphere or Trilogy instruments – which runs in the Intel Mac’s special “Rosetta emulation” mode.

When you select the Atmosphere or Trilogy Wrapper plug-in in your DAW, it will launch a corresponding Atmosphere Host or Trilogy Host application. The applications will appear in your Dock.

Inside of your DAW, the Intel-Mac wrapper plug-in transmits MIDI information to the Atmosphere/Trilogy Host, which in turn sends the Atmosphere/Trilogy audio back to your DAW via the wrapper plug-in.

This solution is designed to be nearly identical to the native plug-in experience – with the MIDI and Audio routing working automatically and plug-in settings saved and recalled with the song.


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