ReSpatializer is an advanced panning, surround sound and spatialization plugin for Windows and OS X Universal. It supports up to eight input channels, each of which can be individually panned. The Sound Guy has updated ReSpatializer to v1.1.
* Better functionality with Live so that multi-channel workaround is possible.
* Improved HRTFs for better sounding binaural mode.
* Bug fix: Memory leak fix.
* Bug fix: knobs no longer reset to default values on GUI close/open, but rather retain their previous values.
* Bug fix: Input sources 2-8 no longer reset to default values on project close/open, but rather retain their previous values.
* Expanded support: Added new host functionality to AU version.
* Fully functional with AULab under Leopard, and so should be fully functional with any host that supports AU.
* Fixed tempo sync bug.
* Restores output mode state.