TC-Helicon announced today a new version of the Harmony4 plug-in for Pro Tools|HD and TC’s PowerCore platform. This new updated version is now Universal Binary compatible and adds an array of doubling presets, including doubling presets that emulate overdub sounds as well as octave doubling.
With TC-Helicon’s Harmony4 plug-in, producers, engineers and songwriters can fatten existing harmony tracks and add new 1- to 4-part harmonies after the singer has left the studio. The update to Harmony4 is available as a free upgrade for existing users. Harmony4 is available June 2008 for PowerCore at €599, and for Pro Tools|HD at €799.
TC-Helicon’s unsurpassed harmony algorithms will already be familiar to users of VoicePro, VoiceLive, and VoiceWorks. Up to four virtual singers with individual gender, vibrato, levels and various humanization controls are created from a single vocal track. Harmony4 also features the latest generation harmony technology with robust pitch detection and Hybrid Shifting™ algorithms. The UI of the Harmony4 plug-in was designed with the utmost user-friendliness in view, and several schemes that simplify the choice of harmony are offered: From automatic scale-based harmony that intelligently follows melismatic singing, to MIDI note control allowing any possible melody to compliment the lead vocal.