Today, ARTURIA announces that ORIGIN, the company’s first hardware synthesizer, is shipping.
“We are extremely proud to be shipping Origin”, says Frédéric Brun, President of Arturia. “The project has taken much longer than we initially thought and, since we had announced the product early, Origin has been eagerly awaited by the market. In the end, taking more time has proven necessary to foster quality and details.”
“During the last 4 years, Arturia has been dedicated to bringing a synthesizer that would be both innovative and powerful. At the same time, the company wanted to offer a simple, enjoyable and straightforward experience to the musician. We truly believe that we have achieved that and look forward to people seeing Origin in action.”
Origin goes beyond the traditional definition of synthesizers. It is a hardware DSP system that houses several synthesizers in one machine. Some of these synths come from the past, such as the Minimoog, some are totally new and innovative. Loaded with modules extracted from the best synthesizers of all time, Origin lets you combine these modules and take advantage of the additional possibilities put onboard. The result: a new type of sound accessible through an extremely intuitive interface.
Main Features:
· Create your own synthesis patch by connecting independent modules. These modules are either innovative modules we introduced (such as Galaxy) or taken from the best synthesizers ever made (such as the Moog Modular, the Yamaha CS-80, the Roland Jupiter-8, the Minimoog, the ARP 2600, the Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 and Prophet VS).
· Alternatively, use an existing synthesizer recreation: the Minimoog, the ARP 2600*, the Jupiter-8* or the Prophet 5*
· Superb audio quality with TAE® engine in a hardware chassis. 24 bits/44.1 kHz supported.
· High-Quality Real time Effects: Phaser, Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, Parametric
EQ*, Bit Crusher*.
· 500 presets created by a selection of international sound designers
· 16/32 step advanced sequencer allowing you to program three sub-sequences at a time and to perform live.
· Multi mode allowing you to play 4 instruments at a time, for example a Minimoog, a Jupiter-8*, a modular patch and an ARP 2600*.
· Creative Macros, advanced LFO’s, innovative modulation sources, different Joystick modes.
· Advanced Preset browser.
· Analog Audio Connectivity: 2 audio ins, 10 audio outs.
· Digital Audio: SPDIF out, USB 2.0
· Built-in expression pedal and footswitch control inputs
· MIDI : In, Out, Thru or USB 2
· Up to 32 voices of polyphony
· Also a MIDI controller offering 33 encoders, 21 potentiometers and 1 joystick
· Ergonomic hardware design and quality manufacturing in France and Germany.
· Origin lets you open dedicated software on your Mac and PC in the form of Origin Connection an ergonomic application allowing to archive preset, exchange data, upgrade firmware.
· 160 pages manual in English.
* To be delivered later on as a free upgrade
MSRP: 2490€