That is a Badass Filter and Distortion FX plugin

Tek’it Audio have released their new Badass filter and distortion plug-in, give to your sounds this little bad grain or destroy them completely with the help of distortion effects, filters, lowfi effect and ring modulator. Each effect can be used individually, but combined they become a powerful tool to distort your sound.

Feature highlights
– 7 Effects: filter, cut, drive, lofi, ring, shape and boost
– 8 Filter types: 24dB low-pass, 24dB digital low-pass, 24dB VCF Ladder low-pass, Modulo low-pass, 36dB State Variable, 12dB High-pass, 24dB High-pass,  Bandpass
– Full MIDI automation and MIDI learn on all parameters
– Phase inverter and effect bypass
– Works in mono or strereo
– Integrated Patch manager
– Knob reset on initial patch value
– Randomize knobs position
– 32 Factory presets
– Easy installer

TKA Badass Demo by Tek’it Audio


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