Synth-Project Hardware Controller for the iPad

Mario Jurisch is a synth enthusiast who has built already several personal hardware controllers for various VSTis. For a complete list of these controllers you should visit his website. And like there’s no tomorrow he has finished yet another project. This time it is a universal controller, specifically designed for use with an iPad.

The iPad works as a Step Sequencer via Midi In to the Controller. The Controller is pre-labeled for the most important parameters, like Oscillators, Filters, Envelopes and LFO´s and Effects. The Controller is switchable between CC 0-63 and 64 – 127. The Mod Knob is fixed wired on CC 1.

The universal Controller is special designed for the iPad. But it can also use for any VST Instrument. The Controller has a Midi In and Out Socket and an USB Connector. With the Midi touch App for the iPad you have up to 127 Parameters.

More details at Synth-Project.



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