Akai APC-80 announced

Ha gotcha! Well, it really is a APC-80 but just not an official one from AKAI Pro. Ray Kawalec, a german DJ known as “Controlled Demolition” shows us how he build an “APC 80” Ableton Live Controller out of an APC 40 and an APC 20.

It all started with a logical demand. As user of the “Ableton Performance Controller Akai APC 20” and “Akai APC 40”, Ray Kawalec also known as “Controlled Demolition” was searching for more options at the turntables. Therefore, the IDA Germany 2010 DJ Champion (Showcase Category) made a simple idea work perfectly. The amazing result is what Ray calls “the APC 80, an upgraded Ableton Live Controller with even more buttons”. In collaboration with “delamar”, a german magazine for musicians and producers, the DJ shows the way to this very special Controller.

Ray about his idea and motivation: “Thanks to ‘combination mode’, which was officially introduced by Ableton in Live Version 8.1.4, it is possible to use multiple APCs as if they were one unit – with a single clip matrix spanning multiple devices. And since the clip matrix on a single APC40 wasn’t quite enough for me anyway, it seemed an interesting thing to try out.” In a do-it-yourself video Ray teaches how to combine the two common Akai devices to one “APC80” Live Controller. This process is shown step by step in the internet: http://www.delamar.de/akai-apc-80/. This very special Controller can be built with just a little handiwork and less than 30 USD. All one needs apart from the two devices is a metal plate, some screws and standard tools.

The advantage is impressive. The “APC 80“ strongly increases the creative options Ableton Live already offers – and all in just one box. Besides, it is quite an unique equipment in the world. Up to this day, at least…

And before you start fiddling around to built your own APC-80 … remember this: You have to be aware that if you choose to build this APC 80 mod, you’ll lose the warranty on the original controllers.




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