Automatic Generated Multiple Piano Melodies with Audiocubes

In this short demo video, Percussa AudioCubes is used to automatically generate multiple piano melodies, using the new generative music software created for the AudioCubes by Percussa. Keep an eye on this blog for the official release of the software.

Each cube uses a different groove and a limited number of notes to play its melody. All notes are in the same scale, so you don’t need to know the details of the scale to create music in harmony.

Cubes are placed next to the green PLAY cube to start playback. By turning a cube you can choose a different groove. By placing cubes next to each other, you can make them adapt to each other’s melody automatically.

The notes generated by the AudioCubes and software is sent via MIDI to the General MIDI synthesizer available for free with Windows or Mac OSX.

Because every AudioCube plays a different melody and they are all related in tempo and in key, the result is “four hand piano music”.

As a side node for the geeks: the software was built in Max/MSP using the free OSC (open sound control) server for AudioCubes.

More videos here…


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