Arturia is proud to announce availability of SPARK EDM, a powerful production and performance software suite dedicated to EDM (electronic dance music) production, and EDM, another aptly-named Expansion Pack for its revolutionary SPARK Creative Drum Machine and SparkLE Creative Drum Machine hybrid hardware/software beat production centres.
Spark EDM
Capable of standalone operation or seamless integration with any DAW as a VST, VST3, RTAS, or AU plug-in, SPARK EDM caters to the rhythmically remarkable requirements of EDM producers. However, as any discerning dance floor-filling EDM producer knows only too well, EDM, of course, covers a lot of musical ground. So it’s just as well that SPARK EDM comes complete with no fewer than 30 cutting-edge kits — ranging from electro to dubstep, techno to tech house, with much in-between and beyond, it’s all there for the taking!
But that’s barely scratching the creative surface of SPARK EDM. Each of its superb-sounding 480 instruments are based on Arturia’s acclaimed TAE® (True Analog Emulation) synthesis technology and high-resolution sampling, each with 12 adjustable parameters, allowing users to sculpt sounds to their danceable heart’s content — punch through the mix with a filtered kick-ass kick drum, adjust a synth hit’s attack or decay time, re-pitch a tom, and much more besides!
Besides that, SPARK EDM users can customise or simply use any of the 960-plus preprogrammed patterns as the building blocks for kick-starting their next EDM masterpiece. Moreover, thanks to the integrated 16-track mixer, levels, pans, and sends can all be automated, and the mix can be further fine-tuned with 14 high-quality effects (including bit crusher, chorus, delay, destroyer, distortion, flanger, limiter, multi-band compressor, multi-band EQ, phaser, plate reverb, reverb, space pan, and sub generator).
Powerful yet User-Friendly
SPARK EDM’s powerful, yet inherently user-friendly interface makes beat- and pattern-creation a breeze — especially when using the onscreen step sequencer situated at the top of the default centre panel. Hardware drum machine enthusiasts will feel right at home here. And thanks to advanced looping modes cleverly combined with the onscreen XY pad’s real-time slicing and filtering controls, users will be producing phenomenal EDM beats with the best of them in no time at all — perfect for live performance!
Speaking of live performance, all of SPARK EDM’s onscreen knobs and pads are easily MIDI-assignable, making them compatible with a variety of keyboard- and pad-based controllers.
EDM Expansion Pack
At the same time, those SPARK Creative Drum Machine and SparkLE Creative Drum Machine owners out there already hooked on hands-on beat-making need not feel left out in the cold since the EDM Expansion Pack adds those same 30 cutting-edge EDM kits to the already extensive libraries within Arturia’s acclaimed hybrid hardware/software beat production centres. Clearly every beat and sound can be twisted and tweaked therein, thanks to the intuitive and creative workflow that’s at the very heart of the Creative Drum Machine concept.
Quite simply, SPARK EDM and EDM Expansion Pack provide all the drums, stabs, one-shots, and FX needed to produce propulsive dance floor hits! So start afresh with SPARK EDM or expand your Creative Drum Machine hybrid hardware/ software combo… and get the party going on the dance floor.
SPARK EDM can be purchased as a software download for €99.00 EURO/$99.00 USD or boxed for €119.00 EURO/$129.00 USD from Arturia’s Online Shop.
The EDM Expansion Pack requires SPARK Creative Drum Machine Version 1.5 (or higher), and can be purchased as a software download for €29.00 EURO/$29.00 USD from Arturia’s Online Shop.