Simon Mills from the band ‘Bent‘ opens his studio doors and gives a walkthrough of the track ‘Swollen’. Simon has remixed this classic track under his new guise ‘Napoleon’ Mills and has built up a musical portfolio that graced everywhere from Eastenders’ Queen Vic to the Acropolis in Athens and featured cameos from members of Faithless, Simian and The Beloved, not to mention a multitude of revived songstresses from crackly charity shop records.
It is these charity shop records and the mischievous manipulation of the samples from them that give this act so much distinction in todays musical world. So enjoy something a little bit different.
Far from a crusading conqueror the modern day Napoleon in question is Simon Mills, a man who spent the majority of the first 00s decade as the diminutive (and occasionally colourfully coiffured) half of Bent. Mills built up a musical portfolio that graced everywhere from Eastenders’ Queen Vic to the Acropolis in Athens and featured cameos from members of Faithless, Simian and The Beloved, not to mention a multitude of revived songstresses from crackly charity shop records.
Now marching out alone under his new Napoleon moniker, Mills’ new sound is more akin to the world of bleep driven club of Manhattan rather than the rural trappings of the Irish coast.
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