With a multitude of campaigns at various levels AMAZONA.de ran a one-year survey in 2009 and together with their readers they invented the analog dream synthesizer. At the end, TYRELL as a hardware-synthesizer was never produced, but the study was well known by the industry and since that time a lot of new real hardware-synthesizers launched on the market!
In the meanwhile, AMAZONA.de & U-He launched a virtual version of TYRELL named TYRELL NEXUS SIX at Christmas 2011. This freeware-synthesizer was extremely successfull on the international market.
Version 3
U-He programmed Version “V3” of the freeware-synthesizer TYRELL NEXUS SIX which was created by the Music-Magazine AMAZONA.de and their readers.
TYRELL N6 V3 with new features
- VST2 64-bit for MacOS X!
- VST3 support on MacOS X and Windows!
- Improved installers on Win and Mac.
- Loading of converted vst2 presets in .vstpreset format.
- Added Revision numbers for simple version control (e.g. for support).
- Horizontally scrolling preset selector added to all plugins with multi-column view.
- a complete new GUI by famous Designer Ryo Ishido.