Mixvibes has been developing pro DJ software and DJ apps for more than 15 years. To celebrate Cross DJ 3.1 release – that offers a direct share of recorded mixes to Mixcloud – Mixvibes teams up with Mixcloud, Allen & Heath, Creative & Nüba to organize an international DJ competition with awesome prizes, listed above.
Cross DJ 3.1 Update
Mixvibes introduces Cross DJ 3.1, a new version of its Mac/PC software, bringing record & share on Mixcloud (audio) & YouTube (video), straight from the software. And more.
Record your mix and share it on Mixcloud & YouTube
Youtube & Dailymotion: Cross DJ generates a video file. This video displays in real time what track is playing, the name of the artist and the artwork associated with.
Mixcloud: Export your mix, Cross DJ automatically publishes a smart tracklist.
SoundCloud: Export your mix, Cross DJ writes tracks names as a comment above the waveform.
Video Features
Images are now managed like video files: mix them in players or in samplers (Cross only.)
Mix animated GIFs and BMPs.
New video transitions: “Push Swap” & “Wipe Rainbow”.
New EQs and FXs
EQs presets: “DJM EQ + ISO Kills” and “Isolator”
New Reverb & enhanced Bifilter
New supported controllers
MIDI mapping: Pioneer DDJ SB, Numark iDJ Live II
HID supported device: Pioneer CDJ 900 NXS (Cross only)
Mixvibes DJ Competition Kick off
To celebrate the release, Mixvibes teams up with Mixcloud, Allen & Heath, Creative & Nüba to throw a DJ competition with awesome prizes:
– 1st prize: Flight to Paris + Accommodation + warm-up DJ set at Nüba + 1 Allen & Heath Xone:23C + 1 – Creative Sound Blaster EVO ZxR + 1 Cross DVS
– 2nd prize: 1 Allen & Heath Xone K2 + 1 Creative Sound Blaster EVO wireless + 1 Cross DVS
– 3rd prize: 1 Xone K2 + 1 Creative Sound Blaster EVO wireless + 1 Cross DVS
– 4th prize: 1 Creative Sound Blaster EVO wireless + 1 Cross DVS
– 5th prize: 1 Cross DVS
To participate, head over to the competition page: www.mixcloud.com/mixvibes-2014-dj-competition. All you need to do is upload a 30 minutes mix before May 4th. Rock on!