Axcore first hardware synthesizer build by

We all know Mario from and his custom MIDI controller. Now, he build his first hardware synthesizer. Its based on the Axoloti Core from the Developer Johannes Taelman. With the Axoloti Patcher you can build your own Synthesizer, Drummaschine, Effects unit and so on. After that, you can Upload it to the Axoloti Core and can use it as a standalone unit.


  • 6 Oscillator – 1x Saw, 1x Saw or Tri, 1x Square with PW and PWM, 1x Sinus, 2x Supersaw
  • 1 Mulitmode Filter with seperate LP – BP – HP
  • 2 ADSR – Amplifier and Modulation
  • 3 LFO´s – Saw, SQR and SIN
  • Effects – 1x Delay, 1x Chorus, 1x Vibrato, 1x “Auto” Pan
  • Modulations:
  • ADSR 2 can modulate Filter Cutoff, and the pitch of each Oscillator, together or seperate
  • LFO´s can Modulate Filter Cutoff and the Pitch of each Oscilltor, together or Seperate
  • LFO Sinus also can modulate Speed of the LFO SAW and SQR.
  • SYNC Oscillator 1 and 2.
  • Oscillator one can modulate the Frequency of the Sinus Oscialltor
  • Oscillator three (SQR/TRI) can modulate the Phase of the Sinus Oscillator
  • 4 Octave Keys with Octave and Midi Channel, Up/down Pushbuttons
  • Glide Function
  • Pitchbend Wheel with Pitchbend Range
  • Modwheel with the Destination – Filter Cutoff, LFO Sinus Speed, Auto Pan Amount
  • 3 Voice Polyphonic !
  • Direct Access of about 110 Parameters with Knobs and switches….
  • All 110 Knobs and switches are sending Midi Data, so you can use the Synth as a standard Midi Controller too

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