Denon USA confirmed this already to Gearjunkies, the new CD player, the DN-S8000 is a joke from a member from
The official statement from J.J. Gonzales:
So what do you say guys, let’s help DENON design the next model. Silvio is always looking for great feedback to enhance the hardware. We need to get the basic layout down first and decide what features we want in it. Remember, we can’t get to out of hand or else it will be too complicated.
The DN-S8000 pict was done using Adobe Illustrator. I did about 8 revisions before I decided to post on Silvio’s Vacation I’m a certified drafter and I have a degree in computer graphics. I have experience in AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Viz, Maya, and several video editing software. The picture everyone saw took about 3 hours. It was mostly a cut and past job from a previous PDF of the DN-S5000. The design took longer than anything, but I have been thinking for two years about what they could possibly do to make something better than the almighty 5000.
Their are easily over 20 mistakes in the picture and I will post them later. For all you graphic artist who noticed them, great detective work. I apologize if I upset anyone. My intentions were all positive. Don’t sale your 5000 or decide not to buy one just yet. It is still the best Table Top CD player on the market and it will continue to be for some time.
After compiling everyone’s ideas, I will go into design mode. Shortly after that, I will start work on a photo realistic 3D rendering. Please use constructive criticism. All feedback is welcome. Let’s start on the picture everyone has seen: DN-S8000_Rev-132.jpg. What do you like about it (ergonomics, design, layout (placement), features etc…) and what you don’t. I will explain why their are so many buttons and how they are used.
J.J. Gonzales
….It was to good to be true…
Marc van den Hurk, Gearjunkies.