Kjaerhus updates two plug ins

Kjaerhus Audio has updated the GAC-1 with five fixes and a new routing called “New York Drums” added to the mono version.

* Fixed memory leak that could lead to crashes in some Hosts.
* Decreased CPU usage during knob operation and thereby minimizing the risk of getting audio drop outs.
* Solved issue that could give a “Invalid Pointer Operation” failure message during knob operation.
* Incorrect input / output reporting to Host fixed in the mono version.
* Removed “%” added after parameters in some Hosts.

Kjaerhus Audio also recently updated the GUP-1 compressor plugin with two issues. They fixed the memory leak that could lead to crashes in some Hosts. And Kjaerhus decreased CPU usage during knob operation and thereby minimizing the risk of getting audio drop outs.

For more information and TRIAL downloads please visit the product pages of the GAC-1 or the GUP-1.

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