Synthax Audio AG is shipping RMEs ADI-8 QS, a new highly flexible and fully featured 8-channel AD/DA converter.
The device combines excellent analog circuit design with outstanding low latency AD/DA converters. Along with SteadyClock, the QS redefines the reference class of analog/digital converters. The compact 19”/1U device has a host of extraordinary features, including analog and digital limiters, 4 hardware reference levels up to +24 dBu, AES/EBU and ADAT I/O up to 192 kHz, optional MADI I/O, remote control via MIDI, remote digital input trimming for full input calibration, remote volume control for all 8 analog outputs, either separately, globally, ganged and much more.
The analog inputs and outputs feature the same circuitry as RME’s well-established ADI-8 series, ensuring excellent signal to noise ratio and low THD. On the digital side, SteadyClock, RME’s unique clock technology and jitter suppression, further enhances the list of features, ensuring the best sound quality regardless of the quality of the reference clock signal. The QS uses the latest AD- and DA-converter circuits with up to 192 kHz, with S/N ratios of 120 dBA. New digital filters reduce the conversion delay from over 40 samples to just 8 samples. That’s low latency in perfection!
The ADI-8 QS also offers an unsurpassed choice of interface options. In addition to 2 ADAT I/Os that support up to 192 kHz (S/MUX), the device also features a serially built-in 25-pin AES/EBU interface for all inputs and outputs. And that’s not all – The ADI-8 QS features RME’s latest technological achievement – the I64 expansion slot that makes the device even more flexible. The slot can host the I64 MADI card for direct integration into MADI systems. All interface options can be used simultaneously under all conditions; analog (balanced TRS and/or D-Sub), ADAT, AES/EBU and MADI. Other typical RME features like Intelligent Clock Control (ICC), SyncCheck®, and SyncAlign® have also been implemented.
Within the ADI-8 series of converters, the full remote controllability of the QS is a novelty allowing the device to be placed anywhere on stage or in the studio as a remote controllable “SuperStageBox,” with full access from the control room or FOH mixer.
In combination with RME´s Micstasy or other RME MADI interface devices, designing a front end system becomes easier and more flexible now. A single MADI cable can transfer up to 64 channels of AES/EBU audio. Multiple ADI-8 QS or Micstasys equipped with I64 MADI cards can be serially connected with one MADI cable per unit and configured to use their individual channels within the MADI stream. AutoID and Delay Compensation ensure sample-aligned operation and easy setup when designing such setups. Up to 8 units can thus be combined into one single 64-channel MADI line.
Features Overview:
– 8-channel AD converter, fully symmetrical design, 120 dBA S/N
– 8-channel DA converter, double balanced output, 120 dBA DA
– Low latency conversion: only 8 samples of delay!
– 2 ADAT optical inputs, 24 bit, with Bitclock PLL, up to 192 kHz
– 2 ADAT optical outputs, 24 bit, fully compatible, up to 192 kHz
– 8 AES/EBU I/Os, full channel count up to 192 kHz, 24 bit, connected via D-sub
– 8-channel Digital Input Trim over a range of 6 dB
– Full remote controllability via MIDI and MIDI via MADI
– All settings are stored permanently
– Included Remote Control for store/recall of presets, volume and dim
– I64 Option slot
The ADI-8 QS is available in the standard or also as the ADI-8 QS M MADI loaded version with the same feature-set and built-in I64 MADI card offering an attractive price advantage.
ADI-8 QS: Europe estimated net retail price € 1.900,- ; US retail price $ 2648.-
I64 MADI Card: Europe net retail price € 540.- ; US retail price $ 748.-
ADI-8 QS M (MADI Version): Europe estimated net retail price € 2.200.-; US retail price $ 3048.-