It seems that AMS-NEVE is about to introduce another product called the DMC. A mixing console that will be harnessing the power of the legendary DFC Gemini.The DMC is a complete neve console with seamless DAW-control.
Main features:
– 6 banks of two layers allowing the biggest of mixes in the most compact surface
– featuring the same XSP engine as found on the legendary 88D and DFC
– expandable up to 500 paths with sample rates up to 384 kHz
– designed for optimum mix performance at an incredible price
– TFT meter bridge with ViewMix as standard
– Level and Dynamics metering, Graphical EQ and WavTrack display per path
– Classic Neve EQ with Dynamics and look-ahead compressor
– Stereo and full 7.1 multi-stem surround monitoring modes
– Comprehensive High-Definition Capabilities
– Ergonomic design to maximise controllability and feedback to user
– Total control with patented touch-sensitive Logicator pots
– Penny and Giles faders as standard
– Complete Integrated Machine Control
– Seamless DAW control with StarCommand
– Every control fully automatable with Encore Plus Automation Engine
– Desk automation and desk setups fully compatible with DFC, 88D and MMC
– Full control of Neve remote MicPre’s for perfect sound acquisition
We have to stress that all the information above is still ‘unreleased’. But with a promotional video circulating on the internet and with the NAMM 2008 just around the corner, we think fairly certain that the DMC will be announced next week.