More Feedback Machine has been a synonym for complex delay effects ever since it first came out in 2002. The concept was simple and it still is: If you can make a knob for it, do it! Meanwhile MFM has matured to Version 2.0 – this makes it easier to use, adds more presets and expands its sonic arsenal beyond expectations.
More Feedback Machine has always been a synonym for ultra flexible delay effects ranging from bread & butter stuff to weird rhythmic deconstructions. MFM1 was well ahead of its time in the early days of native plugins. Now, MFM2 does not break with that tradition.
The idea behind MFM is giving the musician as much control over 4 separate delay lines as possible, and having them interact as well as having means to modulate delay parameters in realtime.
Some basic applications:
* ping pong delay (no tap in the center!)
* ducking delay
* chorus
* reverbs & ambiences
* panning delays
* frequency shifted delays
* iteratively degrading & distorting delays
* filtered delays
* loops
* all sorts of compressed delays
* keyboard-controlled comb filter effects
* endless delays that echo for days and months
* massive glitch
* combinations of all of the above
Demo is available at the U-HE website. Be sure to check out the video Urs made to illustrate the powers of the More Feedback Machine at Youtube.